The New Agora paper promotes the apparent advantages of the theory of a Technology of Democracy as it is primarily based on the architecture of a Structured Design Dialogue Process (SDDP). (Schreibman & Christakis, 2007) This is made up of 31 constructs that are assembled into 7 modules, of which the paper focuses in on latest module of the Six Dialog Laws. The sixth law is Evolutionary Learning where observers study about the associations that exist between the various ideas that come up in the course of discussion.
This method of examination and analysis could prove invaluable in most project development processes. A case in point might be with the aforementioned School of Dreams in my blog. Undoubtedly the concepts to be broached with such an undertaking will need to be bandied about considerably amongst the diverse factions that could arise over what may easily become a research topic of considerable controversy. A healthy active dialogue is bound to be the result once the freely contributed ideas and opinions are compiled from the initial Delphi brainstorming stage for general consumption of the group of interested parties.
The Evolutionary Learning process should result in considerable insight and aid in instigating the formulation of a plan to go forward with the research. This process could also lead the primary research team to utilize a follow on Delphi process to further examine and define some complex problem or expose more details required to better understand a course of action.
Schreibman, V., & Christakis, A. N. (2007). New Agora: New Geometry of Languaging And New Technology of Democracy: The Structured Design Dialogue Process. International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (IJASS), 1(1), 15-31. Retrieved from
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